Job 33:28

Thursday, June 07, 2012

I dreamed last night that the dogs were in trouble for stealing food from the kitchen. 

I yelled at Louie, who looked appropriately guilty about it and went outside to yell at Buzz. 

Buzz was trying to avoid me, and for some reason my backyard had changed into a school yard.  He was running between the kids and trying to get out of the fence.  I was stalking him. 

When I found him he was a chubby little boy wearing a school uniform (which didn't phase me at all) and while I was still mad at him for stealing food, I was also mad at him for going on a field trip with out having me sign the permission slip. 
I said, "Why didn't you give me a permission slip for this field trip?
(He was just getting off the bus.)  He looked guilty. 
The teacher said, "I thought the permission slip looked like it had been signed by a 9 year old." 
Buzz/Boy said, "He promised me it would look authentic." 
The teacher told me she thought I had poor hand writing. Buzz/Boy appologized prettily,(in a British accent.)  Sort of like Piggy in Lord of the Flies . . .
The teacher said that was a very nice apology.  I agreed and said he was still in trouble when he got home.  The teacher was surprised and said, "but he already apologized!" 
I said, "He's still in trouble when he gets home!" 

Stupid boy/dog stealing my food and running off on field trips with forged permission slips. 

I bet Louie was the one who forged it for him!

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