Job 33:28

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I haven't been writing alot, mostly because I don't want to bore you with my complaining.

But right now I'm so bored: I've decided to spread it around like butta-

Complaints you will scoff at:
1. Ever since I got here the weather has been perfect.
The sky is blue and clear the temperature has been between lower 70s and upper 80s everyday for 9 months.
It hasn't rained since October, and even then it was only slightly drizzly for part of the day- That was monsoon?! Even though it hasn’t rained, everything is still suspiciously green.
I’m complaining because I want change! I want it to be different! I want a freaking thunder storm! How about some kind of crazy differentiation between the seasons?!
2. It’s hot.
I know I just said it hasn’t been above the upper 80s, but that’s hot when a) there’s no A/C b) there’s no electricity and c) there’s no water. It’s like living in a freaking third world country! (ha-ha)
I was talking to this guy who came back from Bombay. He was commenting how hot it is here in Bangalore. I asked him if it wasn’t hotter in Bombay. He said yes, it is hotter in Bombay, but they have electricity there. Bombay is a civilized city, unlike Bangalore.
The electricity has gone out everyday for the past month- sometimes all day sometimes for a few hours at a time, sometimes for only a hour at a time, but several times a day. Sometimes when the electricity goes out, the water stops too. So I can’t sit under the fan to cool off, I can't take a shower to cool off. I just sit in the still darkness and think about ice.
3. My job is ridiculously easy.
I generally just surf the web all day. It’s so boring that I’ve collected hundreds of patterns, looked at thousands of job listings, and researched several obscurities including Japanese aboriginal lip tattooing among women.
I can come in late and leave early and nobody would know or care. I have a four day work week and I can barely drag myself into work on those difficult Tuesday evenings.
I can wake up whenever I want to and sometimes I get up at the crack of afternoon so that I can come to work whenever I feel like it.
They do everything for me. They bring me to work take me home and feed me while I’m here. There are free soft drink and tea/coffee machines, game rooms and a nap room. All of this and still the thing that stands out most about my job is that it's so boring I feel myself slowly shriveling up and dying on a daily basis.

I’ve decided to go home now. I can't take it any more.

Complain to you later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I was feeling really down- I've been here a long time. I don't like my job- I don't like Bangalore. I'm ready to leave. I started packing things up this weekend, and it really cheered me up. I've started making my last vacation plans-

I will be leaving here the second week in May. I have two weeks of vacation to take before that time. I'm asking for the last two weeks in April and the first few days in May. People are already requesting Buzz. He's popular.

I'm planning (now, before I've talked to the travel agent or logistically planned anything out) seeing Varanasi (picturesque, Ganges River etc) Delhi, Amritsar (Golden Temple and Pak-Indian Border) Agra (Taj Mahal) and maybe a few other cities in Rajastan which everyone insists is "Real India." I get the feeling it's not so different from the Punjab, and been there, done that so I'm not feeling as compelled as other people do.

Planning also makes me happy because even though I know it will probably be a struggle to get places, I think I'll do alright.

Back to planning and packing-

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Heart Sachet

Mr. Frosty -->
They don't have stories. They're just cute.

Meet Dangly 2.0:

Dred Grief Dangly.

AKA "Squeeky"

Squeeky dreams of becoming "Dred Pirate Long Arm" (He was rejected from a life in the Navy on account of his overlong right arm and his hereditarily unruly neck.)

Squeeky’s friends all know that he’d really be a terrible pirate, he doesn’t have a pirate-y bone in his body. Actually he doesn’t have any bones in his body, but white fluff and a very non-pirate-y squeaker.

Unlike Pistachio D. Dangley, who was madly in love with Buzz, Squeeky and Buzz are arch enemies. It’s the squeak that antagonizes the dog, and gives the monkey-thing the upper nub.

Squeeky is smaller than Pistachio. He is navy blue and grey. His neck is not weak, but instead it is very long. The scarf is not required to hold up his head, but is there for cosmetic reasons only. Squeeky would have liked to have a pirate-y sweater and hat, but well, that just wasn’t feasible. He’s thinking about getting a tattoo on his long arm.

Squeeky has a wee crush on Sushimi, but he’s not sure of Sushimi’s gender so he won't make any confession of love until he either figures out what Sushimi is or if he cares.

Sushimi is well aware of the situation, but is somewhat xenophobic and isn’t sure he/she wants to be involved with someone that can’t exactly pin down his genus.
The name sashimi literally means "pierced body". "刺身=sashimi" consists of "刺し=sashi(pierced/sticked)" and "身=mi(body/meat)".
Well, that was the first Japanese word I thought of when I felt like naming my bunny so "Sashimi" it is.
Check him/her out!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

AC46 Walking the Dog
Heading out for a walk in the park with your best friend? Dressed in this colorful dog sweater and your coordinating socks, both of you are sure to make a fashion statement. Knitting pattern is by Fiber Trends. Dog sweater is in 2 sizes, for dogs up to about 6 and 15 pounds. Pattern requires DK (Sport) weight yarn.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Bee Buzzed.

A bee buzzed by Buzz.
Buzz said, "Hey! I'm the only Buzz around here."
The bee said, "Buzz."
Buzz said, "Yeah, well take this!"
And Buzz bit the bee.
The bee bit Buzz back.
On the lip, to defend his honor,
and his right to buzz.
Buzz said, "What the . . . !"
The bee said, "Now I must die."
He laid down and softly buzzed.
Buzz walked over to me and said,
"I think there's something on my lif."
I said, "Your lif?"
He said, "Yesh, but don'd toush ib."
I pulled out the stinger.
Buzz said, "Ow" "Bow-Wow-Ow"
I told Buzz to finish off the bee.
He contemplated the life and death of the bee.
I told him it wouldn't sting him again.
Buzz said, "Dumb bee."
The End.

Amigurumi- if I can figure how how to do it- it shall be my new hobby!

It is the Japanese art of crocheting small stuffed animals. Those Japanese- they think of the cutest things!

My co-worker said if any people on earth are really aliens- it's the Japanese. (and their cute-o toys!)

Behold what shall be one of my first attemps:
That's what it's supposed to look like- I'll let you know what it ends up looking like at my hands.

The job is killing me slowly with its lack of song.

I would talk about it more, but I've heard it's uncouthy to talk about work on your blog- at least while you still have said job.

My neighbors are killing me slowly with their laundry. You have no idea how incredibly loud laundry can be. This morning I actually screamed out loud from my bed in frustration over being woken up by village laundry again.

I don't even live in a freaking village- but I get all the joys of living in one- Let's all join together in happy thoughts about Shannon NOT strangling the laundry woman with her own wet soapy sari.