Job 33:28

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

just a day at the park

I took the girls to the park yesterday. I was sitting on a bench reading a book when two boys about 11 years old rode up on their bikes.  The first one said, “We can’t find our mom.  Have you seen her?” 
I said, “What does she look like?”

The very white skinned, blond haired boy said, “She’s wearing a black and white striped shirt, and she has black hair, and she’s black.”

In my mind: ‘What  ….?!  How …. ?!  Doesn’t matter.’

Outloud: “Sorry, I haven’t seen her.”

Boy: “You haven’t seen her?  She was climbing a tree, and she fell out.  We rode our bikes to go get help.  When we came back we couldn’t find her.  You didn’t see anybody fall out of a tree?”

In my mind: ‘Curiouser and curiouser …’

Outloud: “No, you should probably ask someone who has been here longer. I just got here.”

Boy:  “We just can’t find him.  Well, he’s really our dad. We just say mom because he looks like a woman.  He’s transgender.”

In my mind:  ‘Two very white boys can’t find their black transgender dad who fell out of a tree at the park… where are my children?  Is this some kind of distraction tactic so some  nutball can steal my children?’

Scanning and finding my children playing…

Outloud:  “No- I haven’t seen anything like that.”

Boy: “Okay, we’ll keep looking.”