Job 33:28

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The other day my co-worker was saying how bored she was at home. She was so bored, there was nothing to do, and she didn’t have any money to go do anything, or buy anything to do . . .
And I was trying to give suggestions, and she had either already done them, or she didn’t have the materials needed to do them.

And I thought, well, heck, I have pretty much build my entire house hold around having things to do at any given moment. No money? Fine by me, I have material, patterns, yarn, ink, stamps, clay, and paint. I have computer projects; pictures to organize, music to copy, videos to convert, programs to learn. I have recipes to make and drawers to clean out, I have piles of things to organize and clothes to iron, I have books to read and puzzles to puz and my little dog to torment. (Whether I’m tormenting him or he is tormenting me) I have so many things to occupy my time, if I’m bored, it’s because I’m tired of all my choices (do have this short attention span).

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