Job 33:28

Saturday, June 11, 2005

i'm angry!!
my co-worker is patronizing...she loves to point out how great she is and how well she can pronounce words because she's from penn. and she lived over seas. so what i can't pronounce the "e" in pen or "i" in pin so her delicate ears can tell the difference. most people can't, in fact i don't think my mother can pronounce most words properly! i get excited and i feel comfortable around her and then every now and then she stabs me with language. "oh that is not the correct tense" "I hate the southern's inability to say ten, and tin" i know she thinks she is smater than most people, and i'm sure she feels like she is better than me because she is older. I ask questions because I haven't read all the same books as her or have not been to other countries and I am curious. That doesn't mean i should be treated like i'm dumb. She not the only jerk in this place and treats me like I am below them, even the daughter of one of the scientist who is younger than me treats me like an idot! I know I am not brilliant, but I have potiental. So I'm ANGRY.

(any body want to take a guess?)

Yes, I am great. Let me point it out again (because I love it.)
I like myself, I have a good self esteem. I talk about my education, back ground and my past experiences because those are the things I know. (Maybe I should branch out and talk about things I don't know anything about, it might be fun.)
I know how to produce the difference between 'pin' and 'pen.' I suppose that does make me linguistically superior. If you believe that last statment, have I told you about the time I was abducted by aliens? Did you know Michael Jackson is my second cousin? Have you heard of post-it-notes? I invented them, oh yeah, and the internet too. I'm amazing.

Low self esteem and inferiority complexes are not my scene. I am just as good as anybody else, no matter if he or she is more educated, more skilled or spiritual or more beautiful than me. (Notice the proper use of the object pronoun?, I kill myself!) If you can't say this same thing about yourself, it's not my fault.

If you are insulted by my grammar or pronunciation, or my age or travels (or all the myriad of other offensive things about me) you might merely say, "Sometimes when you say things like that it sounds offensive, like you are putting me down because you don't think I'm as smart as you are." And I will quickly explain to you that I (99% of the time) am kidding, or that I'm only pointing out a difference. I understand that different is not inferior.

I profusely apologize for me being myself and you being yourself. If we could change places, I wouldn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are intellegences of all kinds. I hate it when they call the planner of a terrorist act or something evil a "master mind". It seems to be paying a compliment to someone who doesn't deserve one.

"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

Those are a couple of quotes by Einstein that I love and agree with totally.

I feel certain that neither of you are lacking in any knowledge that matters.