Job 33:28

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I just got my finals back from last semester. I totally wrote and handed in this sentence on a take home part of my grammar final.

"After the groups have finished their descriptions, each someone from group shows the rest of the class the pictures, and reads the descriptions."

Imagine the damage I can impart on non-native English speakers when I produce this sort of grammar.

I'm fantastic!

Speaking of being fantastic, I've taken to using this phrase quite often. "That's fantastic." I watched Bubble Boy (again) a few weeks ago and the guy in the bus ticket booth says it. I dig that guy.

I also use the made up phrase, "Son of a Mother!" The evolution of this saying is involved indeed, but in essessence it is an exclamation used in place of other "son of a" phrases. My co-worker pointed out that "son of a mother" has no real meaning as every son has a mother. I concur, which is why nobody can think ill of me for the utterance. In times when there is no time for such a utterance I find myself hissing. (Example, drop something heavy on my toe I say, "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

class time

1 comment:

shannon peterson said...

do you vainly believe that you made up that phrase? Surely more than one of us (among my personalities) has seen "Three Amigos" So, yes I did have a "Son of a mother less goat" phase, but I found it too cumbersome. If anything I stole it from a movie :0P(unk)