Job 33:28

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

It’s banned book week! (or month, I’m not sure how long we’re reading havoc causing titles.) I got a list of “The 100 Most fequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000.” Pretty exciting- I’ve been looking for a good reading list. Many of these books are children’s books, and Newberry award winners. Others are required reading for (I thought most) high school students. Still others, I’ve never heard of, but I’ve looked up and they really do sound a little risqué, but so what?
Here’s the site, check out the list for yourself.
I’ve read 20% of these books (I better get cracking on the rest of these titles!) and will recommend several titles as really enjoyable reading.

I suggest the following “challenged” books:
#22 A WRINKLE IN TIME, Madaline L'Engle (for 10-14 year old readers)
# 37 THE HANDMAIDEN’S TALE, Margaret Atwood (adult-negative utopia)
# 41 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, Harper Lee (highschool-adult)
#52 BRAVE NEW W0RLD, Aldous Huxley (highschool-adult -negative utopia)
#56 JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, Ronald Dahl. (8-12)

another site is

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