Job 33:28

Monday, September 23, 2002

I got a call from a long lost penpal last night. He's been my "penpal" for a long, long time--we started writing in 1991 when he was serving in Saudi during the Gulf War. After a few years we dwindled down to just Christmas cards and an occational post card-- (how we kept up with each other between all our moves is mindboggling) then came along email and messenger services--- and the fact that he's now stationed in the states so he can call. I'm still dirt poor (dispite financial aid) so I leave the calling up to him, but I think its so cool to have a friend I've never met out there.

Okay, I promise I'll get off the mail topic soon, but not before I say I got an invitation to my 10 year highschool reunion. *gasp* I'm officially old. And what I need to know is HOW DID THEY FIND ME? Seriously-- I haven't kept in touch with any highschool people. I knew it would be coming up, but I was confident that they wouldn't find me! *sigh* I'm not going-- as far as I'm concerned they already know too much!

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