Job 33:28

Friday, March 26, 2021

whamy :(

 Yesterday I went to pick up T and as usual, she gave me a happy greeting.  She quickly, however, gave me a sad face and said, "Whamy!"

I said, "Whamy?"

She said, "Whamy!"

I said, "I don't know what that is."

She said, "Whamy! Ah-ho ahh-ahh who. Whamy!"

Now- she was a little delayed in taking- and even now when she's making sentences and telling us complex ideas she still sounds like a little monkey sometimes.

I said, "I'm sorry, I don't understand. Let's go."

She said, (with a very sad face) "Ma Whamy!

We were already out at the car, but suddenly it clicked- I got it!  

I said, "Are you saying you left your lamby in your classroom?"

I've made a career of understanding people learning English and it took this long to understand my own child?

(Happy Face) "Yeah- (long steam of babbling sounds ending with Whamy!")

I said, "I'll go get it."

I had forgotten that morning I had negotiated that she leave her "beebee" (pacifier) at home, and she could take the lamby to school instead.

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