Job 33:28

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

day 19 baby cat

Each girl has had an animal name.  From the time they were little babies, it was just a nickname that I called them.
The first one was a baby monkey- her bright eyes and expressive face said "monkey" to me.
The second one was a baby bird- (an angry bird) she was always squawking at me for more food.
The third one is a baby cat- she is excellent at both adoring you and ignoring you. She will curl up next to you with all the love, and she'll knock things off the table just to see what will happen next.

The baby cat has been sick for about a week- for about a week she has been my constant companion.  Whatever she's doing, she's doing it right next to me.  Eating, sleeping, crying, screaming, spitting out medication- by my side all the way.  She will sometimes allow her father to take over- but then back to me.

Since she's been sick, her sleep schedule has been way off- but today she woke up at a normal time, and she was ready for a nap at a normal time- the problem was I wasn't quite ready- so she wandered off down the hall by herself.  I heard her in the bedroom, "Mama! Mama!"  By the time I got down the hall she had climbed in bed, tucked herself in, and gone to sleep.

She's feeling better, but still not 100%.

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