Job 33:28

Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm reading Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.  I have always really enjoyed Hardy in the past, but honestly, reading this book is like punishment.  It's so bland and preachy.  It's one of those books you want to know what the story is without actually having to read it.  I only have about 120 pages left, so I'll finish. It is a very forward (for the the late 1800s) indictment against church and the institution of marriage.

To console myself on this punishment of bad Hardy, I've also started reading Coraline.  I watched the moving thinking it was going to be a cute kid's movie.  It was actually pretty creepy.  The book somehow seems less creepy, but I'm not yet half way through and I don't really remember all the movie.  It is interesting to me that the title character is never physically described.  A few times the author has described her clothes in detail, but not her person.  I like it.

I got a Kindle for my birthday and have really enjoyed it.  I didn't have a complaint until last night when I couldn't read it because the battery was dead.  Well, it is true, a real book never needs to be charged up.  It is also true that I can't carry around 50 paperbacks like I can in a Kindle.  I could probably carry around 800 paper backs in my Kindle- but I don't want to brag.   :)

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