Job 33:28

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I saw a church 'garage sale' today so I decided to stop.  In my imagination it was something like the youth group raising money to go on a mission trip and it was a pretty big church so I thought there would be lots of stuff- unfortunatly my imagination was running away with me again.  The church was actually selling their church stuff- chairs and music stands and a communion table . . . that would be a wierd thing to have at home.  When I asked if the church was moving the lady showing me the fridge with the lock on in, which was also for sale, she said, "Yes."  I asked where, but it was like it never happened.  She said, "And this aquarium is for sale too, with the fish!"  Ah- ok.

Since I was hungry and it was next to Star India, formerly my favorite Indian place, I thought I'd stop by there for lunch.  I used to go there alot when I went to UTA.  The owner, or the chipati-man (he's always there- I don't know who he really is) was really friendly with me, in the past.  Today he came out from behind his chipati window and looked at me for a while.  When I finally looked back, he said it had been a long time since I'd been in.  I told him I'd moved. 

Then he said, "Remember five years ago when you told me you were married?"  I said, "No."  He said, "Yes you told me, you were with your friend."  I thought about it, "No, I don't remember saying that, because I'm not married."  He looked at me in a not-so-friendly-chatty-chipati-man  kind of way; like he was mad at me for not being married.  Like, me not being married had ruined his five years.

I thought about saying maybe he had me mistaken with someone else- but then I remembered, if I'm feeling creeped-out by a man (like I was feeling at that moment) and he asks if I have a boyfriend or if I'm married I say "Yes."  Always "Yes."  Ok, so now I do have a boyfriend, so I just say yes to the boyfriend question- but I have had many imaginary boyfriends/husbands. 

It seems that I have too much eye contact and I smile at everyone.  It encourages men.  Heck- I'm not trying to give you a sign- I'm just saying "Hi." 

No more Star India, at least not alone, ok I love samosas, so not alone to dine in.  YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY CHIPATI-MAN!

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