Job 33:28

Friday, September 19, 2008

I've been so remiss on my blogging. Really, I still have plenty to say- but for some reason, I am unmotivated to actually say it. I don't even say it outloud to anyone- let alone write it. I just think it and move on.

Last night I thought about what a pretty color of brown my eggs were. Lovely, really. I thought about taking a picture of them. But even that seemed like something that would require more motivation that I actually had at that moment.

Pictures don't take that long.

Not like writing an account of wanting to take pictures.


I baked a cake last night. It was from a mix. I used a silicon bundt pan- the cake turned out smaller looking than I expected. This morning I decided, with the help of Betty Crocker, to suplement it with a white cup cakes. We were doing pretty good until I realized that they didn't taste good.

I'm going to blame it on the old ingredients. The vanillia was at least 4 years old and the the shortening about a year old.

I should cook more, then I wouldn't have such old ingredients.

I can't really blame the glaze on the ingredients though- that was my fault. Too much milk . . . measuring is so over rated.

I'm going to the store today to get new ingredients. This cake and cup cakes are not representative of my abilities, besides, I need dog food. Buzz is really hungry.

I have more time these days. I don't have as many classes. I've found that if I really put any effort what-so-ever into my life I can get alot of things done.

Mostly I just sleep in though.

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