Job 33:28

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I thought before I started this vacation time that about half way through I would get bored silly and be wishing that work would start again. But- it turns out I’m really good at not working! Yes, I’ve grown. I remember when a month with no money and nothing to do made me crazy as a loon- but now I’m just fine with the situation. I haven’t even done half the things I could have done in this time. It’s a shame.

I did sleep a lot- a real lot. I shouldn’t sleep so much, but it is so easy. I’ve been drawing, knitting, crocheting, I sewed a project or two- watched many episodes of Bones and some Quantum Leap as well. I started playing an online computer role playing kind of game. I didn’t think I’d like that either, but killing imaginary creatures with magic fire balls- it’s good fun.

I tried out some step aerobic videos- awful, just awful. I’ve given up on trying to find a fun exercise to do by myself. There is no such stinking thing! I’ve decided that if I have to exercise alone- I might as well just jog around the block a few times and get it over with.

I’ve thought about making some resolutions, but I know if I had made any I would have already broken them by now- so why bother? My month-a-lusions are a much better system for me. I shall start them next month.

I’ve been out to the craft stores a lot in the past weeks- the yarn and the pencils- they suck me in! I’ve noticed that the Valentine decorations are out. It’s vulgar in a way- I mean the DAY AFTER Christmas there are hearts and flowers everywhere! I’ve also seen shamrocks and eggs- but I’ve gotta take it one at a time, and I really like Valentine’s Day. I’m not sure why- it’s not like I’ve had so many great Valentine’s Day stories to tell, but I suppose I’m an eternal optimist about it.

Potential month-a-lusion #1: write a blog at least three times a week.

Oooh! I got another class this semester! (Yeah me!) That’s some extra bucks for me- and I know just what I want! I’ve been eyeballing this super fancy Nikon SLR digital camera since October. One of my student’s brought his to a school event and his pictures were so beautiful! Not that a camera automatically always takes beautiful pictures regardless of the photographer’s eye- but let’s face it- the chances of amazing pictures are much higher when you do have an awesome camera.

Potential month-a-lustion #2: read my Bible every day

It’s not that hard- but then it’s not that easy either. There are certainly days when I can think of a million other things to do. I’ve been reading Judges. I’m socked that I went to 3 years of Bible college and 2 years of seminary and I still didn’t remember that Samson was a judge. I guess I never actually studied the book of Judges- huh. Of course I know the story, but for some reason I thought he was just a guy who happened to have long hair and be strong . . . ass’s jawbone . . . Philistines . . . I should really pay more attention. It’s embarrassing.

1 comment:

DeepThoughts said...

Potential month-a-lustion ehh?? what exactly are you lusting after?? sampson?? freudian slip?? one just wonders....