Job 33:28

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I took Buzz to Fort Woof- the dog park in Fort Worth (clever eh?) Things were going great, he was sniffing around the fence, peeing miniscule amounts on every post, table, weed, and blade of grass he could find, when all of the sudden this big dog came barreling toward us screaming it's head off.

It was that screaming sound a dog emits when it is either really hurt or really scared. It was a rottweiler. She was screaming “Help me! Help me! I’m being chased by a wild animal.” At least that’s what I think she was screaming- in doggie language.

She was probably too big to be in the “small dog” park. She was only a puppy- but even puppy rottweilers can be big- and she was. She was running toward any help she could get-and I happened to be the closet human in the line of the chase. I saw what was chasing her. She was right, it was a wild animal- it was a ferocious miniature poodle- a little white one with extra curly fur.

Well, Buzz didn’t like that screaming, nor the bulling- not one bit. He’s a peace keeping kind of dog, unless of course he’s the one picking the fight. So he jumped right in and started barking at the poodle.

In the mean time, the humans who belonged to the rotweiler were trying to figure out what he heck had happened to their dog. I was trying to tell the puppy she was okay, and the poodle was trying to figure out what the fuss was all about. I think he just wanted to play- but when things escalated into a running-screaming-chasing scenario he just went along with it.

But the picture of a rotweiler being chased by a miniature poodle, and a miniature dachshund defending the rotweiler against the poodle- that just make me laugh.

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