Job 33:28

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Most people believe that a grain of sand defined by the power drill laughs and drinks all night with a nearest freight train, but they need to remember how accurately another spartan reactor procrastinates. If a parking lot carelessly requires assistance from the feline bottle of beer, then a defendant around a minivan daydreams. A jersey cow about a corporation is resplendent. Any parking lot can secretly admire a photon inside the fundraiser, but it takes a real class action suit to derive perverse satisfaction from the annoying paper napkin. A stovepipe somewhat pees on the paternal short order cook. A ball bearing defined by the skyscraper operates a small fruit stand with a hockey player over the sheriff. A tabloid beyond the wheelbarrow caricatures a squid about a vacuum cleaner. A lover caricatures the fairy related to the bottle of beer, and a worldly chain saw figures out an apartment building. The pig pen from a sandwich seeks a movie theater from a blood clot, but some cough syrup from some football team barely organizes a fighter pilot.

I got this as a junk email - this is only the first paragraph there was more than page of this stuff . . . strangly enough the punctuation, spelling and grammar all seem to be correct.


Anonymous said...

so, who sent you that email? Enjoy your time off from work and stuff....though, I miss seeing you online. I took about 20 books or so to a used book store yesterday. If I wanted store credit, I would of gotten about $50, but I took the cash, which was half of that. I did better then if I sold them in the I was happy. However, I still have tons of books in my room....where did they all come from? Don't answer that.....

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's the best absract word association poem I've ever read! I especially liked the reference to William Carlos William's poem, "The Red Wheelbarrow". What depth! What meaning! Anyone who didn't "get it" should read it again! Ha Ha

Actually, I do know of a creative writing class from WKU that just made up a nonsense poem that sounded like it meant something but really didn't and sent it in as an experiment to a literary magazine - and it got published!