Job 33:28

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Speaking of nervous subconsciously, I had a dream a while back that I'm thinking was a anxiety dream.

I never get the normal anxiety dreams, teeth falling out, or showing up to school or work naked . . . No I get this business:

I was riding my motorcycle down I-30 (In northern Pakistan of course) when I noticed that the road was getting worse and worse. There was some sort of construction happening. Suddenly the road ended in a corn field. There were construction workers around so I asked one of them:

"How can I get to the other side of the road?"
He said, "You can go through the field." (Duh!) "or you can go around through the village."

I decided to go through the village. Once I got to the village I realized that it was getting dark, so I decided to stop for the night. I got a hotel room (with the help of the same guy who helped me at the end of the road.). I went to my room and looked in the mirror.

I saw that my gums were swollen, very swollen. It looked like I had a golf ball or something in my mouth!
I went back down to the lobby and told (the same) guy that I needed to see a pharmacist!

He said, "Spit that thing out!"
I said, "I can't! It's my gums!"

But then I gagged because the swollen part was so big.
I turned my head and spit out a huge hunk of my swollen gums.
It was gross! But I spit two more times emitting liquid pink gums.

I was freaked out and I thought I had lost all my teeth, but when I felt for them, they were (strangely) still there.

What does it mean?
I'm a freak, that's what.

To dream that you are gagging, denotes that you are not able to express yourself in how you really feel about a situation. Alternatively, this dream may forewarn that you need to keep quiet before you put your foot in your mouth.

can't find gumms.

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