Job 33:28

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

118 before I said to myself, "self, seriously, what are we doing?"


Anonymous said...

I personally got bored at 59 and tried to see if the mosquito would get really big and take the swatter away and splat me... this did not work, so again, up to 78 and then... okay, yeah, not exciting, and too hard with a laptop mousepad.

Anonymous said...

OK, the secret, you see, is to try to get it where you can get more than one of the little devils in a single swat, you see. And it's just plain cheating if you don't try to time your swats and just keep hitting the clicker continuously as you move around. Shameful!

HA HAA! I just got a real one! With my bare hands! How dare he land next to ME so smuggly! A-HA!

I'm not sure how many I killed last night and what parts I was just dreaming.

They're coming to take me away now.

(No actual flies were injured during this gag.)