Job 33:28

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Wabi Sabi-according to the newspaper, is the "art of imperfection."
Wabi- loosely translated as "fresh and simple things."
Sabi loosely translated as things with the beauty acquired by age."

Wabi Sabi includes an appreciation for the organic, embracing the imperfect, impermanent and incomplete.
Translate into home decor: unpainted woods, bare brick, earthy colors, antiques, plants fresh flowers (rocks, sticks, twigs, bird's nests?).
"Found items are very wabi sabi."

I may not have Feng Shui, but I am VERY wabi sabi.

Well, I'm a bit of a cluttered wabi sabi-ist. I'll work on it.

I was so pleased with myself the other day when I bought a chenille sofa cover at goodwill for the low low price of $20. it was such a good deal I got two matching pillows (also at goodwill) To finish up my goodwill experience I got (an equally good deal) a box of Betty Crocker recipe cards dated 1971. Pretty much all the desserts are jello, there is an entire section on fondue and lots of the presentations include toothpicks and gumdrops. Well worth my 99 cents.

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