Job 33:28

Monday, April 04, 2005

46% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.

Do you use a southern dialect?
It seems I'm almost there . . . see what happens to a nice yankee girl when she's been the south this long?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a very interesting test. I liked how it told what each answer meant as you went along. I was also surprised to see how many words we use in Ky actually come from the north, though we say them with a different accent. For example, my aunt and ant rhyme but I often say them in a way that rhymes with paint - and the way I say pants often rhymes with paints. But hey, Gloria Vanderbilt said pants the same way so I quit worrying about it. I mean she ought to (otta) know, right?

Anyway (anyways), I scored the exact same as you did. Time to reflect, huh? ha ha

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