Job 33:28

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Top ten books you probably haven’t read, but I think you should read.

Brave New World
Tess D’Urberville
The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh
The Red Tent
A Handmaiden’s Tale
Illusions: the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Mr. God, this is Anna
Leo the Late Bloomer
The Little Prince
The Tao of Pooh

but who can stop at 10?

Lost Horizons
Animal Farm
A is for Salad
A Passage to India

Okay- okay, but I could go on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love how your mind works!

"The Hobbit" would definitely be on my list, though it seems to have morphed into something entirely different than the sweet story I read (out of doors mostly), cried at the end of, and enthusiastically spent the whole hour (!) giving my book report on in high school, when normally extending book reports to the minimum limit of 3 minutes seemed like an eternity. But then again, I usually read much thinner books in those days. hee hee

Have you read "The Source" by James A. Michener? I've heard some interesting things about it and was wondering if you had read it.FP