Job 33:28

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Sometimes, sometimes I eat popcorn with hot sauce and garlic salt. I got the hot sauce part from my friends in Gill Village. . . they ate hot sauce (Tabasco sauce) on everything! You name it, they were willing to try it with hot sauce, a particular tribe of people those folks. For a short time I was one of them. Like Steve Martin, "I grew up a poor black child."

The garlic salt, I don't know where I came up with that-- aside, of course, from my impeccable culinary tastes and good sense in combining flavors and textures (I don't want to hear any comments on that one!)

We used to "huff it."

I remember opening a bag of microwave popcorn, and steam rising to meet our faces . . . the secret is to put the hot sauce on first, and shake it up for even coverage. Then, when you put the garlic salt on, it sticks to the hot sauce, close the bag and shake it up.

Open up the bag and huff it. Stick your face down in the bag and take a deep breath, inhale until your nostrils twitch and your eyes water. (But don't sneeze!) That's how you know you got the right amount of hot sauce and garlic salt. That's how you know.

I'm gourmet now. I have chipotle Tabasco sauce and garlic and herb (salt free) seasoning.

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