Job 33:28

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I was talking to this girl one time, I didn't know her, a friend of an acquaintance and in my attempt at small talk I asked her if she was a student (she looked college age) and she said she was going to acting school. That surprised me because, well, she didn't have the actor look and didn't seem to have the actor temperament. She was a shortish, roundish, plain looking girl who came across as shy and uninspiring. (Which I know, is a terrible thing to say about a person I'd only met for like 10 minutes, but you know, first impressions)
I said, "What made you decide to go to acting school?"
She said, (in the same matter-of-fact tone she'd been using all along) "Oh, it's my passion."

Really? I didn't know you could be so disinterested sounding about a Passion!

Well, in thinking of that encounter I've decided to start informing everyone about all my "passions." I think it would be fine social experiment if every time someone said they like a certain thing (movie, song, show etc) I should matter of factly say, "Yes, I love it too, it's my passion." That in addition to all my other "passions" (aka, everything I like alright.)

A partial list of my "passions"

wiener dogs
the perfection of eggplant dip
negative utopia books
Get Fuzzy comic
international travel
chipotle tobasco sauce


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