Job 33:28

Thursday, May 29, 2003

I watched SuperStar last night and I think I understand now why Catholics like to confess to the priests. I'm sure there is something to be said for confessing and having someone give you penitence and forgiveness on the spot.

I mean, sure we can confess to God and forgiveness is already ours, but it's not the same as when someone with skin says, "You are forgiven."

Yeah-- I think I will make a few confessions to you . . .

Forgive me World for I have sinned –

I watched Bubble Boy for the 4th time this weekend, Super Star for the 3rd time and Office Space for the 2nd time.

I thought they were all really funny. (I was told I needed to admit to myself that I was watching "some really crude stuff") I admit it to you.

When I was driving the other day I called the woman who pulled out in front of me a "little bitch."

I got “hit with a tennis ball.”

I took a job selling a ridiculous product that not only would I never buy for any serious purpose, but that I would mock others for purchasing. (I'll be working at Six Flags this summer at the "Southern Rose of Texas" I will be hawking feather roses. That's right, roses make out of feathers. They look and feel real, except that they are made out of bird parts. There are even some that light up and blink in an epilepsy-inducing kind of way. Yeah, I get and extra fifty cents each for pawning those puppies off on people whilst I walk around the park in the heat of the summer night in the great state of TX.)

I forgot to lock the door last night.

I stayed in bed for 13 hours straight last night/today.

I stayed up until 5:30am the day before engaging in “tennis” related actives.

I checked the mailbox yesterday, it was all for my room mate, so I left it there.

I watched a soap opera this week which included a love circle that involved a Mexican cop, a blonde heiress, a psycho brunette, a lesbian lunatic and an orangutan named Precious.

I've driving a car that is unregistered, uninspected and has out of state, expired tags. (and needs to be vacuumed)

Alright, that's all I have to confess for now.

O wait, a typo I just made (I typed lishp instead of list) reminded me I have on more confession:

I was thinking unkind thoughts toward the televangelist with the lisp this morning.


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