Job 33:28

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Meow-Meow Meow-Meow and Tamzin

Last Christmas Tamzin met Meow-Meow Meow-Meow.  They were good friends right away.  They traveled together, had great conversations, and when they returned home after the New Year they continued enjoying one another.  Then, something happened during the pandemic.  Everything was chaotic, and they lost touch.  Months went by and Tamzin and Meow-Meow Meow-Meow didn’t see each other.

Just last week Meow-Meow Meow-Meow showed up at Tamzin’s door again.  Where had she been?  She’s not telling.  No hard feelings about losing touch though- it has been a hard year for everyone- what with the social distancing, mask-wearing, and reduced public appearances.  The truth is when you want to engage in relationships you need to make an effort- especially in these difficult times.  The effort can be a struggle.  Like Tamzin and Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow, we need to be generous with our understanding, forgiveness, and compassion.  We need to engage as we feel comfortable to do so.

It is certainly not the time to be reckless with your health or wellbeing.  We need to make good choices.  Sometimes those choices include reconnecting with people we’ve lost touch with.  It might mean forgoing social distancing with just one person, and understanding you are taking a chance with your physical health - in order to maintain your mental and emotional health.  

We all still have to live our lives.  We are in this for the long haul.  None of it is going away soon.  

Tamzin and Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow spent a great day at the park together yesterday.  They decided not to focus on social distancing (from each other) as much and instead give careful attention to limiting the number of people they hang out with, and germ-fighting with soap and water.

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