Job 33:28

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Isn't he wonderful?

Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today, there's no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood!...
from- Oh come to the altar: Elevation Music
Sometimes we think we are okay- but really there is something off.  Right now there are A LOT of things off. There is so much fear and anxiety- and so, so much stupidity which leads to way too much sarcasm  ...
I'm not really worried for my family unit.  We're fine.  Daniel and I are both listed as "essential workers."
I mean, I'm not sure how "essential" my work is, but I got the notice today that I am in fact "essential," so I can go to campus if I need to use technology or pick up materials.  The point is, we aren't losing any income as a result of the shelter in place order.  The girls' school has provided online classes for them to finish our their school year.  I'm working from home exclusively, D is working from home part-time- and going into the office part-time. 
We're not sick.  We have some TP- (although I noticed we are getting a bit low so I should probably be a bit more proactive on that account.)
The internet is mostly working.  We have enough food. We can go out and walk the neighborhood- or if it stays warm- go out to the pool.  (the girls swam today, but it was too cold for me to venture in)
Everything is mostly fine.
I read an article today that said, you know that uneasy feeling you have?  and I thought "YEAH!" It said that feeling is shared grief over what we have lost.  We've all lost our old normal- at least for a while.  Even if everything is still okay with us- there is still something missing.  
It is okay.  I have plenty to keep me entertained.  I have lots of stuff to do around the house.  The problem is that it is still left undone.  I'm not doing the things I should do, I'm not even doing the things I really want to do- I'm stuck.  I'm wasting time looking at facebook and avoiding the real news.  
I'm waiting for the next thing, and I'm tired, and my tummy hurts.
If that's what's happening with me, what about all the people who are deeply affected by this mess?
I've been thinking about that verse and chorus for the past few days- 
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes ...
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy ...
Jesus is calling.

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