Job 33:28

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Image result for mr coffee iced tea maker

He said, "Do you want this iced tea maker?"
The thing is- I don't even like iced tea.
The other thing is- why would anyone actually need an iced tea maker?
It's literally ice, tea, and water.
If you make sun tea- you don't even need to boil the water.
All of these things considered- I said, "Yes. I want it."

Of course, that was always going to be the answer because I have a weakness for small appliances.

(Just recently I've thought I needed a countertop ice machine- see below for reason.)

So- this weekend I made some iced tea . . . because I could.

It went like this-

I don't like iced tea, but I do like Thai tea.

I looked up how to make Thai tea on Google.

Thai tea requires:
1. Thai tea bag/leaves
2. water
3. sugar
4. condensed milk
5. ice

Hmmm- turns out I don't have Thai tea- Indian tea it is then.
If you make Thai tea with Indian tea- is it still Thai tea? - Maybe I should just call it "Iced-chai."

I was pretty skeptical about this iced tea maker- so I set it to 'strong.' It brewed an impressively black two quarts of tea from 1/4 cup of loose leaf tea.

I tasted some super bitter black tea.

I added the sugar and condensed milk- went to add the ice- but no- no ice. What I had was an empty ice tray in the freezer.

I had some hot milk tea- and it was yummy!
I let it cool and had some cold 'iced chai' and it was yummy.

I wondered if  I could make more tea from my tea leaves.  I brewed two more quarts of tea.
It still produced a nice dark tea.

I drank all the iced-chai.  I refrigerated the black tea for later.
Turns out maybe I do like iced-milked-sweetened-spiced tea.

I'll keep the iced tea maker for while.

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