Job 33:28

Monday, October 14, 2019


The parental approval rating is currently LOW for the middle child who is upset because; 1. I'm not magic 2. I didn't fix the unfixable thing 3. I lost her fitted sheet (I don't know...) 4. it's an hour and a half past bedtime, and she can't find broccoli (which is her favorite stuffed toy.) The rating is only slightly higher for the oldest because I didn't let them sleep in the living room even though they "don't have school tomorrow and it's a special day since it is Lailah's birthday!" (all in one breath)  It's at about 50 percent for the baby at the moment but is predicted to plummet once I take action to put her in bed.

A bad chest cold- hey I just learned that bronchitis is a chest cold.  Yesterday  a nurse in the family said, "Sounds like you might be getting bronchitis!"  I said, "I hope not!  It's just a bad cold."  I thought bronchitis was something much worse than a cold- but I just learned from WEB MD that it is the same as a chest cold- she was right- bronchitis it is- bleh.

It's fall break for me and the girls today and tomorrow. 
D came home and said, "You kept them all day?"
I said, "Yeah." 
He said, "Why didn't you take them to daycare?" 
I said, 'I wasn't thinking straight." 
He said, "Yeah I noticed that you took them for a walk ... in the rain." 
I said, "Well, it was a warm sprinkle, but again, not thinking straight."

 “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”

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