Job 33:28

Friday, March 18, 2016

technology in the hands of babies

I know some people strongly disapprove of giving little children "screen time," but my girls (2.5 and 4 years old) LOVE playing with the ipad and the kindle they have  in their chubby little fingers.  I know that for adults screen time is "I'm ignoring you to focus on my electronics" time, but for my girls, they want to interact with me and each other while they play.

It makes me smile to hear my two year old singing "The Wheels on the Bus" over and over again, as much as she wants to.  Now she's moved on "Where is Thumbkin?"  She almost always refuses to sing with me or her sister- but she's having a great time singing by herself.  I know if I went over there she'd stop singing immediately.

My four year old is sitting on the floor next to me feeding and helping virtual pets.  There is value and detriment in most of our activities- depending on how much or little we do it or allow it to happen.

Precious people:

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