Job 33:28

Thursday, March 06, 2014


Yesterday my socks matched my outfit perfectly.  Unfortunately, they did not match each other. This is the story of my life at this time.  There is a mountain of laundry in the garage.  Most of it is clean, but heaped up in the corner.  We go out there and rummage though it every morning for socks and underwear.I need a new system.  D said, "If you can't keep up with the laundry, you should ask me for help."  I replied, "If you notice I can't keep up with the laundry, you should help."

EJ's socks never match.  Keeping up with a toddler's socks is near impossible. She takes them off and tosses them in random places, but never both of them in the same place.  I will find one in the car, another in the bathroom; one in the living room, another in her bed.  I'm doing well to give her matching shoes each day.

My little shoe princess... she is perfectly positioned to be that girl everyone, both guys a girls love because of her varied interests.  If you give her a choice between pink and any other color, she chooses pink.  If she sees something that sparkles or shines, it's hers.  If she sees a car or a truck, especially a monster truck (or as she calls it a "truckatruck) she goes wild.  If she had to choose between shoes and a truck I can't say I don't know what she would do.  She would take both, declaring them, "MINE!"

She used to be very interested in trains and planes.  Recently; however, she is concerned they are going to "get you."  By 'you' she means herself, but she's only two and pronouns are hard.  Her daddy says, "I'm going to get you!"  She says, "Daddy get you!"  = Daddy got me!  In the past we would hear a plane or train and I would say, "You hear that? What is it? It's a train/plane."  She would say, "Hear train/plane? It's a train/plane." Now when she hears a train or plane, she runs to me and says, "Train/Plane get you!" She's scared and worried.  I'm not sure why- I'm pretty sure she's never been close enough to a plane or a train to realize how big and (sort of scary) the really are.

She will also say, "Help you mama."  This is modeled after my question, "Do you want me to help you?"

This morning she picked up a banana and "Manana!"  Then she followed me around the house with the banana saying, "Mama, manana!"  Of course my thought was, "Mehnamehna!"
I looked at her and said, "Say banana."
She said, "Manana."
Me: "Banana."
Her: "Manana!"
Me: "Ba-nan-a!"
Her: "Ma-nan-a!"
Me: "Banana."
Her: "Banana."
Me: "Good!"
Her: "My banana!"
Me: "Okay."
Her: "Manana!"
Me: "Fine."

The nice thing about personal blogging is that it is impossible to get off topic- because the topic is what ever I want!

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