Job 33:28

Monday, May 20, 2013

I had a dream the other night that I was wearing a dress and I checked my legs to see how long my leg hair was (this is a typical anxiety dream for me) and when I looked at the back of my leg there was a really-really-really long one, which I pulled out.  When I looked at it though, it was actually an oak leaf.

Of course I thought, 'What the Heck!  Why was there an oak leaf growing out of my leg?' and 'This thing is huge! (I measured in my dream and it was about 8 inches long) How could I not notice this growing on my leg?'  Also, it was dead and dried and crunchy, so I knew it had been there a long time.

Is this just some commentary on how little I shave my legs?

I didn't think so, so I looked a few things up in the dream dictionary.

I admit that most of the time when I look things up in the dream dictionary I wonder where these symbol interpretations come from- some of them are so random and contradictory.

When I looked up the elements of this dream- I felt exactly the same thing, but maybe there's something to it . . .

I went to  Actually I went to Google and put in "dream tree parts on body" and I  got to which informed me about trees in dreams, and parts of body in dreams, but nothing about when your body parts grow tree parts.

Here's what it said:

Oak Tree 
To see an oak tree in your dream symbolizes longevity, stability, strength, tolerance, wisdom, and prosperity. You have built a solid foundation for success in some endeavor.

Okay, so that's good.

To see a withered or dead tree in your dream indicates that your hopes and desires have been dashed. You are experiencing some instability and setback in your life. 

Not so good ehh?

To see your legs in your dream indicate that you have regained confidence to stand up and take control again. It also implies progress and your ability to navigate through life.


If you are a woman and dream that your legs are hairy, then it suggests that you are too domineering. You may be overly controlling in a relationship.


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