Job 33:28

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  When I started it everyone said, "you won't like that!"  "It's so violent, so graphic . . ."  blah blah- terrible, horrible, no good, very bad . . .  Well, I finished it for the same reason I started it, I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.  It seemed like every one was reading it, talking about it, talking about the movie about it . . . so I read it.  It was ok.  Not horrible, not terrific- just ok.  I wonder what got everyone so worked up.  I understand that there are two more books that continue the story and that there is some mystery as to the fate of the author and the manner of this death . . .  I suppose I'll read the other two just to see what the fuss is all about.

In other news, no classes tomorrow!  Yeah MLK Jr!

Someday I'd like to have a kitchen big enough to accommodate both a toaster oven and a conventional toaster.

I haven't made my new year resolutions yet.  Some times it takes a while to think of something I might really want to commit to.  I'm considering one to be Finishing my unfinished projects- but there has to be more, I mean I have a lot of unfinished projects.  I finished two of them today (Yeah for me!)  There's another on my dinning room table, two on my sofa, two on my chair, about 6 in my foot stool and three or four in my closet.  Those are just yarn projects,  I have fabric projects, photo projects, drawing projects, writing projects, work projects, etc.  I expect that if I became agoraphobic and could never leave my apartment again it would not be a problem at all since I probably have enough projects to keep my busy for the rest of my days.

Time for bed.  I've been very tired this weekend.  I've been sleeping 10 hours in the night (and morning) and getting up, not because I felt refreshed., but because there is some shame attached to staying in bed all day for no good reason at all.  I've clearly overcome any stigma attached to staying in the house and wearing my pjs all day- but with out any clear health reasons, I feel like I really should get out of bed.

I hope to finish my weekend project tomorrow, which is a brain bag.  It's a little make-up sized bag with brain wrinkles all over it.  I'll post a picture.  I hope it will make me happy, as I'm making it for myself.  I saw a picture of one someone made on line and I decided I could make that too.  The wrinkles are mostly done.  Now I just have to figure out how to put a zipper in a lined bag.  I can do it.

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