Job 33:28

Sunday, May 02, 2010

A blog is a funny thing- you never know if anyone is reading it or not.  When I haven't posted for such a long time I'm sure that everyone has given up,  I'm surprised by a random comment.

I've been wanting to blog more these past few months.  I've also been desirous of a desk job.  My last desk job was in India- but that was such  downer I never wanted to blog much. I was in the book store the other day and saw the book No Touch Monkey and thought about my next-to-the-break-patio-cubical. I had a picture of the front cover of that book posted to my cabinet with a sign that said, "Language Monkey" under it.  In case you haven't followed the logic I'm saying that if I had a desk job where I was happy I'm convinced that I would blog more than I do now.

That could be completely untrue- I don't know.

I was watching House a few months ago and there was an episode about a girl who blogged everything.  It irritated her husband, who felt that she was airing all their personal business and relying on her "blog fans" to make decisions instead of making them herself.  My thoughts were, "Wow- blog fans."  and Why do people even care?  That amazes me regularly.  Not just about blogs, but nearly any site where people comment on stuff.  I was looking at a book on Amazon.  Someone had taken the time to rate the book very poorly because she didn't like one of the pictures.  She hadn't bought the book, but she didn't like one of the pictures, so she took the time to rate it.  I'm not sure I've ever rated a book I do own, let alone rate a book I don't own.  It's like reality TV but worse.

Anyway about blogging.  So then I was dis-membering- (no that's not right) un-membering myself from an online group I had joined a few years ago.  Before I left the group I checked on some of the members I used to spend time with (yes it was a meet-up group, where you meet people online, then went to meet them in real life.)  One of the members had a blog listed, so I looked at it.  I read a few no-so-interesting posts and wondered if she was really very private or just boring.  (For myself I admit to quite a bit of boringness.)  A few weeks after that I looked at her blog again and found nothing had been added and I felt sort of ripped off.  Like I went to all the trouble to find that blog again and nothing had been added to it?  Pooh.

Then  I wondered if anyone had ever felt that way about my blog.  They didn't look at it for weeks or months and when they looked again- nothing interesting, or just as bad-nothing at all.

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