Job 33:28

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm going through my old files on my computer- actually I was looking for a picture of a cross stitch sampler I saw online once- don't know what brought that up, but in any event, while I was searching I decided to organize and I found this list.  I can't figure out if I ever posted it, so I'm posting, perhaps again just to be sure.

Random List:

1. When I was a child I was afraid of toilets with black seats and the funnel of water which appears when the water is let out of the tub.

2. Also as a child I was firmly convinced of these things: a. I was born with a bandage on my head b. Dracula ate my Mickey Mouse ring c. I had the ability to hover. I’m still pretty sure Dracula ate my Mickey Mouse ring.

3. I once went to Greece for the weekend.

4. I’ve never been to a funeral of any one I know.

5. I don’t like most kinds of meat, or anything that is pretending to be like meat.

6. I don’t like any food which has been artificially purpled.

7. I don’t eat wiggly deserts.

8. I had to explain what ejaculation was in class yesterday- to a pregnant woman.

9. I was once told I was worth 2,000 camels- seems like a come-on to me.

10. Between 2000-2001 I was accused of being a spy, a smuggler, a bomber and a member of the CIA- deny- deny- deny-deny.

11. I routinely blame the oddities of English grammar on other languages “It’s because this word if French . . .”

12. I was once French kissed by a French man in France.

13. I started knitting a sweater five years ago . . . it’s mostly done . . . (I decided to take it all out and try something new)

14. Ever since I got my nose pierced I have felt I have free reign to pick my nose.

15. I know how to say “Go away fat cow” in Norwegian.

16. I sold Dana Carvey 2 dozen tulips, but I didn’t know it was him until he signed the receipt.

17. When asked by a job interviewer why I thought I was qualified to do the job I said, “Well . . . I’m not stupid.” I got the job.

18. I was almost named Mavis- until my grandmother convinced my mother that it sounded like a female truck driver.

19. Over the course of the year I lived in an upscale section of a large city in India, I saw dogs, cats, chickens, cows, horses, sheep, goats, elephants and one toothless bear in my neighborhood.

20. I once witnessed 16 people get out of a 5 passenger car. They were not wearing big shoes or red noses.

21. My favorite ice cream is Ben and Jerry’s “Chubby Hubby.”

22. I habitually take pictures of signs and other oddities that amuse me- I always have a camera with me.

23. I’m the normal one in my family.

24. According to my astrological chart I am Virgo sun sign, Virgo moon sign, and Virgo ascendant sign. I secretly think I am a Pisces.

25. I spent a week in Scotland imagining every old man sitting behind me on the bus was really Sean Connery.

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