Job 33:28

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have a student in class who always answers yes/no questions with "Sometimes yes, but sometimes no." Today they are taking a final exam. All the questions are yes/no. He's having a hard time.

Last night at about 12:30 I decided that I needed to start knitting a starfish. Lucky for me I had a pattern of a starfish on hand. At 2:00 I decided that I had to stop knitting the star fish for what seems like obvious reasons.

Sometimes I worry about my impulses.

The other day I decided I must have scrambled eggs. The problem is that I make terrible scrambled eggs. They are always too dry or too wet or too crumbly or over spiced, not fluffy enough- in the past I would concede to my terrible scrambled egg making skills and just go to Denny's. That day, however, I decided I could not let scrambled eggs bring me down. So I did some research (online of course) and found my new friend, Mr. Breakfast. He told me how to make perfect scrambled eggs.
I tried it- it worked. Now, if only I can remember that simple bit of wisdom the next time I decide I must have scrambled eggs.

perfect scrambled eggs

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