Job 33:28

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I learned today: Potatoes and tomatoes are related- also related to tobacco and eggplants and belladonna (deadly nightshade) I just like to say DEADLY NIGHTSHADE!

I heard long ago that Europeans used to grow tomatoes for decorative plants, but thought the fruit was poisonous- well I see why now- what with the DEADLY NIGHTSHADE!
There is a resemblance.

I learned something else too- but I've already forgotten what it was. Must be old age or DEADLY NIGHTSHADE!

It seems I have some unusual fascination with tomatoes, but its not new- I'm sure I've written at least one other lengthy blog about tomatoes- (DEADLY NIGHTSHADE)

I'm still really excited about my plants- hope they live all summer! *DEADLY NIGHTSHADE

Wish I had a garden.

deadly nightshade!

1 comment:

Dean's Parents said...

I think Deadly Nightshade is going to have to replace "MA FLEUR"!!!!