Job 33:28

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I forgot about my sea wee- sigh- so it goes.

Today is some sort of Ganesh festival- what that means to me=

The temple started blasting the puja at 7:15 this morning.

There are what appear to be Christmas lights strung up all over the place (I only say they appear to be Christmas lights because there are little outlines of pine trees on the ones down my street.)

There are newly erected palm leaf and plastic sheeting huts all over the neighborhood housing statues of Ganesh (the mostly elephant- some human shaped god.)

When I got home from church, the music emanating from the hut at the end of my street (ally) was so loud, Buzz was hiding in the corner of the bathroom looking like he had just received a visit from the dog eating boogie man.

And I had been looking forward to a nice nap.

Not happening. I felt a little guilty leaving Buzz alone with the noise again, but I couldn't take it. Indian music as low levels is something I can bearly tolerate in small doses.

Indian music blaring and reverbrating off the concrete walls throughout the street and all around my apartment- too much.

I closed Buzz in the quietest place I could find and left.

I hope this is not an all night celebration.

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