Job 33:28

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I started my training yesterday. I was “Shadowing” Benjamin. He’s my second degree of separation from Summer. They worked together briefly in Moscow.

The line of newbies at work goes like this newest: Me- Sergio- Benjamin- Leslie.

Leslie, Benjamin and I sat down to eat dinner before we started training. It was like the Spanish Inquisition. It started out with general questions, “Where you from?” “Where you been?” “What were you doin’ there?”
When we got to “What did you study in college?” I knew the Inquisition was about to go into full swing.”

“Tell me, tell me Don Miguel . . .”

I said, “Bible.”
They both looked at me as though I’d said a fancy French word.
Leslie said “Bible? You mean like Theology or Bible” (an extended southern glide /ay/ working here Bible as in isle.)
I said, “I studied Theology, comparative religions and Biblical Literature, but yeah, we just called it Bible.”

Later we spoke about the idols . . . how I’m a bit weirded out by the idols. It’s not that I fear them, because although I believe they are representative of power in the spiritual world, they only have the power that people give them through fear, worship and prayer. I think it’s defiantly a spiritual warfare issue. I don’t want them at my desk, in my apartment, in my space. I’m not inviting idols in. (As a matter of fact I put a big JESUS poster at my desk, kind of as a counter measure. I’m sure that won’t win friends or influence people there, but whatever.)

I don’t even like how these idols look. They have scary faces and distorted colors and shapes. Some are fearsome, some are meant to be beautiful. Some are impressive in stature, if only known as art they are amazing.

They asked if I would go to the temples. I said yes. I would like to see the historic places, the temples and to see the places of the monolithic statues, I just don’t want them in my space . . . I mean, maybe if they could keep the mosquitoes away . . . . no just kidding! I would rather live with mosquitoes than evil statues looking at me all the time.

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