Job 33:28

Saturday, June 17, 2006

1. Cow hanging outside the "Authentic Service" repair center on the corner.

2. One of the many growling threats we must pass on our walks.

There are stray dogs and cows around every corner, (a cow tried to sniff Buzz today, he was not happy about that.)

Speaking of stray dogs, I bought a monopod for my camera before I left, it’s a collapsible stick to keep my camera steady . . . I think it was my best “going to India” investment of all. I take it with me for every walk Buzz and I take around the ‘hood. I wave it at the stray dogs and yell, “Stay back!”

Sometimes people on the street help me out by yelling at the strays or throwing rocks at them for me :0). They are mean dogs! They always growl at Buzz! They are big dogs too, if they bit him they could puncture his lung!

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