Job 33:28

Friday, January 20, 2006


You have found People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA*)
We are a club that supports and encourages the eating of delicious animal flesh. Whether you are currently a member, or just visiting, feel free to look around. If you would like to become a member of this forum of meat lovers, please request an application for membership by emailing us at

I saw a bumper sticker for this group and wondered if it was real. I see that it is. I'm being encouraged to infiltrated the group.

We will see what happens.

it was dumb.
only the bumper sticker was cool
consider this:
The Most Dangerous MeatIn school they teach us that Swift's Modest Proposal is an ironic joke- but it's not. Why do you think there's no good English food? The English REALLY eat Irish babies- and they taste good. Charlton Heston prophesied in 1973 that "Soilent Green" is people. But so is vegimite. Pacific Islanders also eat their dead. Cannibalism isn't a dirty word in these cultures. It shouldn't be in ours!

The persona is a concerned Irishman who is very intelligent, sound, and serious. He appears to be a brute and a monster for proposing something evil and immoral very calmly as if it is normal to consume the flesh of another human being. What makes his proposal to be even more depraved is that he proposes to eat the babies.

That whole Austin Power's "Fat Bastard" Baby eater thing is making sense now. . .

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