Job 33:28

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Im in the Isle of Mann. Mannanin- Mana-Mana (do-do-do-do do)
It's very green here. Green and hilly and sea gulls all about. I like to smile to myself when I hear talk of "fizzy pop" and "Christmas crackers" Honestly I have no idea what is to be found in a Christmas cracker.

There is much more to be said of Rome, but I'm not sure I'm up to the task just yet. I was not a happy camper when I left and I may have let Evil Shannon take over momentarily. The Fonz will not be happy with Evil Shannon.

I did get a great picture of the Pope dressed like Santa, and that is thus far the highlight of this jouney.

I'm just chilling now.
Here on the Isle of Mann there is lots of green grass, hills, sheep, old churches and grave yards, also lots of drunks and some scary driving. I hope to make it off the island whole and healthy.

I tried a "jelly baby" today. Kinda like a gummy bear, but worse.
Crazy baby eaters.


Anonymous said...

is it the French that eat babies??

I forget.

Then again, we eat small children (sour patch kids)...

Anonymous said...

I want to hear all about Evil Shannon in rome!!