Job 33:28

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I've written a blog or two and haven't posted them . . . on account of I'm too lazy to get up and plug in my flash drive. They say there's always tomorrow. That is unless Jesus comes than there's me with unpublished blogs like a virgin without oil.

Well, in other news I finally bought a rolling pin. I've been using a glass all these years. I was in a cooking mood today and I tried to make prawlines . . . that was semi disastrous. I think I just made sticky nuts. :0) sticky nuts, that makes me laugh.

I bought some clear plastic Cinderella shoes. Unfortunate, I don't have anywhere to wear them. I believe I have already made my complaints about not being cute at work. Lab coat, sensible shoes, prescription safety glasses, pocket protector . . . they don't add up to cute no matter what.

I wish I was one of those girls with the perfect (never chipped) nail polish and peticured toes. One of those women with the cute hair cut they obviously get up early every morning to "do." One of those ones with matching purses and shoes and who always, always have smooth shaven, tanned legs. I'm not one of those. I mean, I know that I technically could be, but it would be very taxing on me, at least to start out. I have been working on wearing make up more often. Which generally means that about lunch time I got to the rest room and apply eyeshadow, blush and lipstick.

Speaking of not being cute. I have a growing colony of white hairs populating my head. Now, I wouldn't be so offended by them if it weren't for the fact that they all hang out together right on my natural part! There used to be only 5 or 6, now there are at least 25 and they are all in the same 1 square inch of my head! I mean I know there are probably others, but I don't care about them, mostly because I can't see them, but there they are everyday near the hair line on my part. They taunt and mock me. (bastards) I was going to color them today, but once again, lazy.

looks like I just lost my connection.

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