Job 33:28

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I had an extra moment so I decided I should learn about body language I went to the first web page that popped up on Google and started reading the following list:

Sniffing — May be annoyed or just talking to you (well, it seemed kinda strange, but okay)
Grunts — Usually angry, watch out or you could get bit! (obviously)
Shrill scream — Hurt or dying (again, obvious)
Circling your feet — Usually indicates sexual behavior. He/She's in love. (now it's getting interesting.)
Spraying (spraying?!) — Males that are not neutered will mark female rabbits (rabbits?!) in this manner as well as their territory. Females will also spray.
I went to a rabbit page:

learn all about rabbit body language for yourself. I'm moving on to humans.

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