Job 33:28

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I got an email asking how I was doing-- I was compelled to reply with this:

I am inconspicuously blending in with the appropriate social strata in order to observe the general habits of individuals and the general population with intentions of ploting quiet and small subterfusions intended to disorient and interanally disquiet persons and populations as well to provide me with subtule amusements.

I'm taking a curriculum design course. The above statement would be considered a "goal" as opposed to a more specific "objective" which would be more like:

I will agrieve my coworkers by manipulating interactive toys to talk to one another with in my cubical space while I am away from my cubicle, thereby disturbing the peace and ability to consentrate of everyone in the surrounding area. I will achieve at least a 75 percent success rate. The measureable result of this procedure will be at least one coworkers becoming angry and producing a communication to the effect of "Shut those stupid Furbies up!"

which really looks into what I've been doing as opposed to how I've been doing.
Maybe I should reassess my reply.

I should have said, "I think I have bird flu."
I might have west nile.

I've not been feeling so very great for the past week and a half. I thought at first that it was just a result of my I'm- feeling-sorry-for myself-attitude, but I fear now it may be more involved than that, since I am feeling less sorry for myself, but still not doing so great physically.

I decided to skip my classes tonight as a result of my affliction. I should be doing some work for that class, but here I am instead, considering my growing affection for camoflauge items.

I made a purse a few weeks ago it's camo but feminin. I swore off the purchase of yarn, right after I bought a camo colored varigated skein. I'm making a hat, it will be camo, but feminin.

I carry two purses, it confuses people.

I forgot to talk like a pirate on "National talk like a Pirate" day. I think my inner pirate may be mute.

Sometimes I feel like I talk too much and I may have used up all my words for the day before noon. I wish I could explain that to people without using up more words.

I'm considering a vow of silence.

Tomorrow is Yom Kippur-- happy atonement everybody.

I realize I'm rambling-- it is soothing.

I need to urinate--- hmmm--- too much info?


Sorry, one more thing.

I'd like to announce that I will be starting up my own one page printed publication. It will be called "The 3rd Stall" It will be a bathroom reader. If you would like to contribute a short article, opinon, poem or quote for my publication or would like to receive a complimentary copy of The 3rd Stall for use in the public bathrooms you frequent, please contact me at

Thank you,
The Management

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