Job 33:28

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Speaking of being easily distracted . . .   I almost rear ended someone on 360 the other day.  I was driving along-- la-la-la-minding my own business when this Coors Light truck drove by. 

I'm usually not distracted by beer trucks, but this one was craftily painted to attract attention from both sexes.  First, it wasn't a delivery truck, it was a silver SUV.  Second, it had scantily clad women in seductive positions painted all over the sides and back.  Third, (and this is what attracted my attention) it was glitter painted.  It was shiny silver with sparkly glitter paint mesmerizing me as it drove down the highway, making me wish my car was sparkly. 

Everyone knows that men are distracted by pictures of women with breasts on the verge of popping out of their tops, and women are drawn to sparkly things!  That was an ingenious beer truck!

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