Job 33:28

Friday, January 17, 2003

I answered the phone at work the other day. "Good morning, Science Learning and Career Center." and the girl on the other end started jabbering, and fast.

"Hi! (really excited) Wow! You sound so professional! Listen I have to take Spanish class, so my schedule's all weird and I have to register today, so I wanted to know if you know which teacher I should take? I mean, I want to take the easiest one obviously, right, that only makes sense. Have you ever taken Spanish? Do you know which teacher I should take?" (This was all rapid fire information giving, and I realized at some point that she had dialed the wrong number, and she thought I was her friend, but I wasn't.)

So I said, "No, no I don't know."

She said, "Oh, well okay, that's fine. I just wanted to know. Just checking. Oh, and I heard there is a social tonight, are you going to it? I heard Brittney was going, and it might be cool, I don't know, I might go. Will you be there?"

Me: "Ummmm, no. I don't think so." (thinking, I hope she talks to her friend about this conversation later, because leading her on in her assumption that I'm her friend is making me laugh on the inside.)

It's the little things that amuse me. I wonder if that is considered passive agressive behavior, or if it has anything to do with keeping my food in the dishwasher. (which I don't do any more, maybe that's why I need new outlets for my behavoir.)

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