Job 33:28

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Learning about other cultures:

SHE says: will you guys send me a little explanation of what it is you do on boxing day and why?
Manxett says: Sure
Manxett says: It's traditionally called St. Stephen's Day
SHE says: good, religious themed parties are the best
Manxett says: and its basically used to recover after Christmas Day!!! lol
SHE says: recover!?
Manxett says: Christmas Day is all about overeating, drinking, the Queen's speech, chocolate, etc!!!!!
SHE says: okay, we'll drop the queen's speech and keep the drinking and the chocolate
Manxett says: I like that idea!
SHE says: and chips,
SHE says: and salsa
SHE says: cause it's texas
Manxett says: why not! lol

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