Job 33:28

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

I went to the mall the other day to see a movie. I recommend both “Die another Day” and the AMC at the Parks.

Before I got inside there was an encounter with a Salvation Army bell ringer. I’ve never come across a better bell ringer anywhere. Mostly they just sit there, looking sad and “ding, ding, ding (pause) ding” their bell. But not this guy, he saw me coming from across the parking lot and revved up (because he was still going from the last person who had walked by) his bell-in-each-hand-ring-a-ling-a-ling-ling-ling-sidewalk dance. His energy in the cold was well worth a dollar in the pot. He was nearly as entertaining as the movie.

The mall is a happening place these days what with a new cinema, skating rink, eateries and stores. Of course all the clothing stores had the same stuff . . . so I didn’t go into clothing stores- I did go into “The Great Indoors” a home improvement/décor store that seemingly never ends and where I found a shower head (not that I’m shopping for a shower heads) that cost upwards of $1,600. $1,600 for a showerhead?! Granted it was made of pewter and was as big as a dinner plate, but still . . . I could do a lot with $1,600. While I was still thinking about this showerhead I moved on to the “Knife Shoppe” where they were sporting swords upwards of $1,600.

I was standing there looking at $1,600 swords, thinking about $1,600 showerheads and wondering where in life I’d have to be to even think about considering purchasing such items. Alternatively, what would I do with a random extra $1,600? It’s hard to say . . . it is half price day at Goodwill today. :0)

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