Job 33:28

Saturday, October 19, 2002

My free lunch Friday Christians get alot of air time from me. I think its because I don’t want to really take advantage of their free lunches that I try to want to be involved with their other activities. But I’ve learned from my free lunch Christians that I’m a snob. They didn’t tell me so, they would never do such a thing, but I’ve realized that I am. Indeed, I am. But the food is usually good.

I went to a Bible study one week and snobbishly left feeling it was terribly shallow and uninformed.

I saw one of their banners on campus, their slogan for the year is “Live to Die.” I snobbishly thought 'that’s not the smartest slogan to have on a college campus if you want people who don’t know what it means to come to your ministry. College students don’t want to die, its not their thing.'

I read their news letter and snobbishly yawned at the most incredibly boring, trite and flat attempts of wit, humor and profundity I’ve read in some time.


What to do with my free lunch Friday Christians? I’m sure they mean well. They are always nice at lunch. They know my name when I come in the door. This is where I wonder about my role in such situations. I take notice, but I’m not a revolutionist. I don’t
want to be, leadership seems to me disenchanting. Disenchantment is easy enough to come by without the hunt. Should I point out what I have noticed? Would it even make a difference? Would they be offended? What will it require of me? Most importantly, what
will it require of me? Am I ready to give it?

I don't think I am, not yet.

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